CONTACT US: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM​

Immigration Resources
A Commitment to Support all Madera Unified Families
Parent Resource Centers
Visit us for assistance or sign up for a class
Parenting workshops
Browse upcoming workshops and events
Immigration Resources

A Commitment to Support all Madera Unified Families

Community Resources

Get connected to resources in our district and community

Parent Resource Centers

Visit us for assistance or sign up for a class

Parenting workshops

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Register for a Class Today!

All classes for MUSD families are free and designed to build personal, leadership, and skill-building capacities for parents.

Technology Support for Parents

Need help with your Email, ParentSquare, Classroom, or Parent Portal? - Walk-ins Accepted

For assistance, please contact our call center.

MUSD Call Center (559) 416-5879​

Featured Resources

To discover more about local community resources, select one of the service categories listed below.



Health Care

Mental Health


Substance Abuse

