Madera Unified School District Believes in parents as true partners in the education of our students. We believe that in collaboration with parents, families, student champions and invested community stakeholders our district is able to deliver an unparalleled educational journey that is intellectually, socially and personally transformative for our students.
Offer opportunities for parents to develop leadership skills and build personal capacity to support student learning at home. Centers serve the various needs of families through its various programs.
Classes consist of free, personal, leadership and skill building capacity for parents. Classes range from Leadership, Academics, Parenting, College & Career Readiness, Health & Wellness, Skill Building, and Adult Classes.
Our Call center is designed to facilitate communication between families and the school. Open during non-conventional hours to better support the needs of our parents.
Includes referrals to agencies, programs, and services in the community like; housing, food, clothing, health and safety, counseling, recreation programs, workforce training, childcare, employment, and more.
Family interactive events operated as knowledge and skill-building experiences that focus on learning strategies. Parents and children learn side-by-side through fun literacy and mathematics activities.
A district-wide Parent and Community Engagement conference is hosted yearly to provide parents with a unique learning opportunity that includes keynote speakers, educational workshops, and raffle prizes.
We welcome all MUSD parents to take advantage of the number of resources available and to take part in the academic success of their students by becoming strong partners in the education of their children